Tuition and Fees

Enrollment /Re-Enrollment Fee: $100    Registration Fee: $175   Book Fee: $400
All enrollment and registration fees are non-refundable.

*Tuition rates are calculated on an annual basis. For your convenience, we have offered a 10 or 12-month payment plan.
Therefore, credits are not issued for pre-planned closures/holiday.


Multi-student discounts are given for families with more than one student enrolled at TPCA. Annual tuition is discounted 10% for the second child, 20% for the third child, and 40% for any additional students following the third child. Tuition discounts apply only to children attending simultaneously and only to immediate family members. A child under legal guardianship of a family is considered immediate family, and therefore eligible for any tuition discounts.


It is assumed that your child is enrolled for the entire year; therefore, our budget is set accordingly. If you withdraw before the end of the school term, a 60-day written notice is required, and a $700 withdrawal fee. Records will not be released until ten (10) working days after receipt of payment of final account balances by personal checks; however, records will be released immediately upon payment by cash, cashier’s check or money order. 

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